10bet十博体育在满足病历要求时,力求提供优质的服务. In order to help us provide you the records you need in a timely fashion, 请参阅下面的说明或查看我们的常见问题(FAQs)了解更多信息.
10bet十博体育在满足病历要求时,力求提供优质的服务. In order to help us provide you the records you need in a timely fashion, 请参阅下面的说明或查看我们的常见问题(FAQs)了解更多信息.
Please complete the following form to request information:
557 W. 华盛顿大街
Burns, OR 97720
Please complete the authorization form above to request information. 一定要包括法律上支持你代表病人要求记录的权利的文件. 此文档的示例包括引用医疗记录的医疗保健授权书, 法定监护, 法院命令, or a designation of Healthcare Representative in an Advance Directive.
557 W. 华盛顿大街
Burns, OR 97720
10bet十博体育MyChart患者门户网站为您提供个性化和安全的在线访问部分医疗记录, as well as multiple tools to help you manage your care. MyChart is accessible through a web browser or mobile application. 你可以在这里访问MyChart.
Please log into your MyChart account and select the “Request Records” button. Complete the online form to request your records. 只有在2018年4月7日或之后发生的服务记录才能通过MyChart发送给您.
Note: Billing or radiology images will not be available through MyChart, but you may request these items by completing an Authorization to Use and Disclose Protected Health Information.
557 W. 华盛顿大街
Burns, OR 97720
Your records will be released to your MyChart account. Please download or print them for your future use, as they will expire 30 days after they have been released to you.
If you have access to your family members’ medical records, 您可以像查看自己的记录一样查看他们记录中的大部分信息.
Some things that might be particularly useful include:
0 - 13岁未成年人的代理访问: 如果您是拥有10bet十博体育MyChart帐户的家长或法定监护人, 登录您的MyChart帐户,并在MyChart主页上以电子方式请求代理访问您孩子的MyChart帐户. If you do not have a 10bet十博体育 account, please fill out the 次要代理访问授权表 并把它带到您的孩子下次访问或邮寄到表格上注明的地址. 可以找到分步说明 在这里. You will be asked to log in before viewing the document.
14 - 17岁未成年人代理访问: 未成年人可以向朋友或家人发送邀请(从他们的MyChart帐户)以获得代理访问权限. 从未成年人的MyChart账户, minor can access Health > 分享 My Record > Friends and family access to invite another person to view their MyChart record. 如果未成年人没有创建MyChart帐户,也不想创建,请填写一份MyChart的副本 次要代理访问授权表 并把它带到您的孩子下次访问或邮寄到表格上注明的地址. You will be asked to log in before viewing the document.
Proxy access for adults ages 18 and older: 患者可以向朋友或家人发送邀请(从他们的MyChart帐户)以获得代理访问权限. 从他们的MyChart账户, patient can access Health > 分享 My Record > Friends and family access to invite another person to view their MyChart record. You will be asked to log in before viewing the document.
如果患者没有创建MyChart帐户,也不希望创建,请完成MyChart帐户的副本 成人代理访问授权表格 and mail to the address noted on the form.
使用Epic软件的患者可以连接第三方应用程序来检索他们的部分健康记录供他们个人使用. Examples of data that can be pulled into an app include lab results, 过敏, 药物, 免疫史.
In order to authenticate an app to retrieve your health data, follow the steps outlined on Epic’s 网站. (请注意,图像可能无法反映10bet十博体育在流程中每个步骤的确切布局或内容).
How to allow a third-party app to access your health record
Cómo permitir que una aplicación (app) de terceros acceda a su expediente m诈骗犯
您可以要求一份电子文档,其中包括您整个医疗记录中的所有信息. This large document acts as an interface between two electronic health systems. 每次请求EHI导出时, 该系统将记录你最近的就诊情况以及你医疗记录中的其他所有信息. Although it is computer friendly, this document takes up a lot of space. 我们建议您以电子PDF格式要求这份文件,因为它是最方便使用的.
The fee depends on the format of the records and the number of pages released. 10bet十博体育的信息发布部门可以为您提供纸质或电子格式的记录副本. T在这里 is an additional cost for radiology images on a CD. (Standard copy fees will apply subject to federal and state regulations).
Though federal and state laws allow up to 30 days for processing, our goal is to have your medical records request completed as soon as possible. 一旦我们完成了您的请求, 我们的团队将给您邮寄发票(如果有费用)或打电话提醒您记录已经准备好了.
If you are asking that your records are sent to a health care provider, 通常要求提供商办公室要求将信息直接发送给他们会更快.
If t在这里 is a charge for records, you will be mailed a billing invoice. You may either pay over the phone or by mail. 我们接受信用卡/借记卡、现金和支票.
一旦你的发票付款, 我们会将您的记录邮寄给您,或者您可以致电541-573-8339或541-573-6054讨论其他方法.
How do I contact the 发布信息 office for questions or help?
To reach the 发布信息 department, please call: 541-573-8339 during our regular business hours Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 太平洋标准时间.
How do I request an amendment to my record?
If you believe t在这里 is an error in your medical records, you may request that 10bet十博体育 review your record. 批准的,可以修改. A request for amendment is not a guarantee of the change. However, you will be contacted regarding the result of the review process.
557 W. 华盛顿大街.
Burns, OR 97720